Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bringing Politics Back to the People - The Campaign of Ron Paul.

People wanted to help. They waited for orders to come from on high and yet such orders never came. Instead all they saw was a war turning sour because of the incompetence of the people in charge. Then they saw a great city destroyed by a natural disaster and saw that same government bumble the aftermath and reconstruction. That made it hard to help those who needed it and only wasted the energy of those who gave of their time and effort to help with the clean-up. So where does all that energy go when its not be used? When it’s being left to dissipate on the sidelines and all that’s left is anger and bitterness at the authorities for their incompetence and their mismanagement? Well some have decided they aren’t going to wait for “orders” anymore. Some have decided on their own that they are going try and elect a man they believe is going to change things for the better. And whether or not Ron Paul could make such changes if he was elected President or get them through Congress really doesn’t matter when you think about it. Just getting to that point will show that the nation has recaptured the do-it-yourself spirit that helped to found the country in the first place.

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Senator John Warner and Congressman Ron Paul

Republican Senator John Warner is beginning to put pressure on the Bush administration. He's calling for a troop reduction by the end of this year. If you are not familiar with Sen. Warner he is a former Secretary of the Navy and chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Now that the tides are turning and members of the GOP are slowly but surely coming to their senses, it is time for all of us to applaud their change of heart.

If we can get the support of higher ranking members of the GOP, the Republican base should begin to follow suit. No one on the right can argue with Senator Warner's credentials, and with your support we can hopefully generate some momentum for our candidate. I would encourage everyone to send a letter, an e-mail, or even a thank you card to Mr. Warner's office and TACTFULLY let him now who you are supporting for the GOP nod in 2008, and why...

Let's all do this in a civil manner with a congratulatory tone and maybe, just maybe, we will have a better chance of getting what we want; a Ron Paul presidency!

Here are a few ways you can contact Senator John Warner:
Senator John Warner
225 Russell Bldg
Washington, DC 20510

(202) 224-2023


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

High-profile Advocates of Self-Government

Those appearing on this list are outstanding leaders in their fields who have identified themselves as libertarians. Some supporters or sympathizers of libertarian ideas who haven't made this libertarian self-identification are listed in our "Friends of Libertarianism" section. We need these voices out in the open! Ask for their support!

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