Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wasted Lives And Killing Time

I can't help but notice the arguments that are being made to keep our military engauged in Iraq, or to move this failing war into Iran. We have went from "Saddam's talking to al Qaeda," to (no one mentioned we sold them to Iraq so they could kick Iran's ass) "WMDs," to "liberating a repressed people." Now the arguments for considering action against Iran are "they sponsor terrorism," to "they're developing a nuke," to "well... even if they couldn't use it against us they'll put it in a suit-case." Anyone here fail to realize that most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi, or that over half of the suicide bombers in Iraq come from that country.

On the issue of suit-case bombs...

If we are so worried about suitcase bombs, why are we not taking action to keep them from our shores. And no... I am not talking about bombing every individual that has ever prayed to Allah.

We have yet to develop any real means of inspecting import vessels. We haven’t even started to deal with anything realted to our physical borders. Its funny how this government (D and R alike) keeps preaching that we must stay and fight in the Middle East to keep such a thing from happening. Wouldn’t the 500 billion dollars we have wasted have been better spent securing and defending this nation instead of invading a foreign country. Even more important, wouldn't the lives we have spent been better utilized cooking up some bar-b-que before the game, battling the forces of a rival softball team, or caring for the children of now single mothers.

Right now we are allowing trucks to come in from Mexico and drive freely in the US virtually unchecked. Sounds like a good way to smuggle in a bomb. Let alone the fact that it takes even more jobs out of this country. Or… one could bet the odds and set the damn thing in a cargo container and pray to Allah that it is one of the thousands that go uninspected everyday.

Perhaps, if we had taken the time to look inward and develop truly defensive strategies maybe both the immigration and security issues ruining this country could have been solved.

Important Note: When Petreaus was asked if the war in Iraq is keeping America safe he answered, "I don’t know." Apparently, from the view-point of this President, his lackey staff, and the Congress that’s a big hell yeah. But let us not forget, “We’re kickin’ ass.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And those 9/11 hijackers and suicide bombers in Iraq are just the tip of the iceberg: